Assets format - GiantLuigi4/Minecraft_Effekseer_Implementation GitHub Wiki

To create an effect, check out the effect viewer tool

To get your effect ready to be used, you need to create a folder in your assets called "effeks", put the efk or efkefc created when you use the "Save as..." button under "Files", as well as all textures and efkmodels requires for the effect into that folder, (also, just like in vanilla, you can use subfolders for organization)

(save as)

effeks folder in assets

You also need an "effect.efk.json", with effect being replaced with the name of your effect


Here's a breakdown of the .efk.json:

  • "effect", which is required and points to your efk/efkefc file
  • "textures" which is optional and allows you to correct the paths from what they are in the model to what they are in the file structure
    • Texture paths will default to [modid]:effeks/[path in model], so if in your model you use textures/test.png, it'd default to [modid]:effeks/textures/test.png
    • Just like in vanilla Minecraft, you cannot use caps nor any character other than a-z, 0-9, ., _, and -
      • The above mentioned thing is the main reason to use the textures block
    • So, "test2.png": "mc_effekseer_impl:test1.png" redirects the texture "test2.png" from the model to "test1.png" in the assets (I'm not sure why exactly I wrote the "mc_effekseer_impl:", but it's not needed
  • There's also the "models", "curves", and "materials" blocks which are the same thing but with the other assets for effekseer effects
  • There's the "maxSpriteCount" integer, which defaults to 100
    • The more "sprites" (in the editor/viewer, sprites, models, etc) you have, the higher you want this number, but keep in mind, the more sprites you have rendering the more it lags
    • Highest I've personally tried is 10000, which drops me from ~1k fps to ~200
  • Finally, there's "srgb", which I have no idea what that does

If you wind up forgetting your texture paths which you used for the model, don't worry, you can't open it in notepad and find the texture names

Only thing is, they'll have spaces between each character

Screenshot of notepad