Start to manage matrices - GianlucaMancusi/matrix_computation GitHub Wiki

With that kind of Matrix structure I will work?

struct matrix

The struct matrix is a truly lightweight design that allows you to manage matrices in the easiest and fastest way. It's composed by 3 data:

struct matrix {

size_t rows; //how many rows have this matrix?

size_t cols; //how many cols have this matrix?

double* data;//pointer to data with all matrix information. I recommend using double *elementAt(struct matrix *matr, size_t rowIndex, size_t colIndex); to access it!


How to create a new matrix

With this library create a matrix is easy and performing.

This is the function that lets you create a matrix with undefined values:

struct matrix *creatematr(size_t rows, size_t cols)

This function returns a type matrix structure

This is the function that lets you create an empty array filled with zeros:

struct matrix *createemptymatr(size_t rows, size_t cols)

This function returns a type matrix structure

How to access to a matrix

With this library access to a matrix is easy and performing.

This feature allows you to access the r-th row item and the c-th col item of a 'matr' matrix:

double * elementAt(struct matrix * matr, size_t rowIndex, size_t colIndex)

This function returns the value of the matrix at r-th row and c-th col

Destroy a matrix

It's important to destroy the allocated matrix.

Simply, this function clean the data and structure:

void destroymatr(struct matrix* matr)