User Manual - GiInfo/SXP GitHub Wiki


Connect to your account and then click on Contract on the side menu. A overview of all the contract in which you are a party is displayed. You can see for each contract its name, its status, the parties, and the parties wishes. A research bar is available at the top of the page to sort and display the contracts according to their name. You can add a contract thanks to the New button at the right top of the page. You can see an existing contract by clicking on its overview.

Contract colour code

Colour representation of contract status

Once you create a contract it will have automatically a yellow colour. And for each state you will be able to check how the contract is evolving. Because a contract is defined by a status and wishes from each party you will be able to check the wishes for each individual party of the contract.

The gray colour will be used for the signing and resolving status which are difficult to capture unless something is wrong with the peers.

This gives the user a status for each individual contract at a glance without the need to open one and check it.

Specific contract viewing

Once you have clicked on the overview, you access to a page displaying all the informations about the contract, that is to say :

  • its name
  • the parties involved
  • the exchanges defined
  • the implementing modalities
  • the termination modalities

By clicking on the accept/decline buttons at the end of the page, you can inform the other parties that you accept or decline the contract. You can modify the contract with the buttons modify at the end of the page or with the edit buttons at the right top of the page. You can also get PDF version of the contract with the download button at the end of the page. Finally, you can send a message to other parties via the Forum button at the end of the page.

PDF version

The PDF version is the official look of the contract, and is based on the informations saved about it. It allows you to see how the contract looks like before signing it.

Messages and Chats

Contract's Chat

We introduced the possibility for a given user to start a chat from the contract with all the member. One has only to click on forum and send a message that will be visible from the Message menu.

Chat related to a Contract

The messages are divided into 2 groups: Contract Related , others.

They will appear in the style of gmail emails.

Before we had the ability to exchange messages with one user at the time. We upgraded the existing messages to accept several users. One only has to choose them from the new message menu.

Contract creation

When creating a contract you must enter all the necessary information the creation of a contract, the name of the contract, the parties involved, the defined exchanges, the terms of implementation and the terms of termination.

So when creating a contract you have the opportunity to edit the information you have entered or delete. You also have the opportunity to view all the information you entered during the creation.

The parties are listed with their name and identity. when inserting a parties you must write something like [username] - [user ID]. The field has a search function that displays users that match what you wrote with the format [username] - [userid].

The exchanges have multiple fields available :

  • from : the user who has to give an item
  • what : the item exchanged
  • to : the user who should receive the item
  • how : the exchange mode wich can be electronically, delivery or in person
  • details : any necessary informations about this specific exchange

The "from", "what" and "to" fields have a research function. "From" and "to" fields research among the parties, and "what" field among the items of the "from" user. The "from" and "to" fields have to be filled like the parties with the [username] - [userid] format. In the same way, the items has the [itemname] - [itemid] format. You can delete any existing exchanges via the appropriate button, and add a new one. You can add a new exchange by filling in the different fields, but the adding won't work if the "from", "what", "to" and "how" fields are not appropriate. The "from" and "to" fields have to belong to the parties and have the appropriate format. The "what" field has to belong to the items of the "from" user and have the appropriate format. An exchange mode has to be selected for the "how" field. Depending on the mode of exchange, a form will be displayed.

for example if the user chooses the mode of exchange "delivery" then user will give his address, the address to whom to send the package and the day of sending.

The implementing and termination modalities specify how the contract has to be executed, and how it can be canceled. To add a new modality, you have to fill in the text field and click on the add button below. To modify an existing modality, you have to click on the modify button next to the modality. Then the text field is filled with the modality and below appear buttons to validate your modifications, or cancel them. Once one of these buttons are clicked, the field is cleared and the add button reappear.

Finally, you can validate all your modifications with the submit button at the end of the page. Be careful, if any of the contract field is empty, the validation won't work and an error message will appear below the involved fields.

Contract edition

The edit page is exactly the same as the authoring page, so you have the option to add new information and you can change the contract terms