Making users aware of the status of a contract - GiInfo/SXP GitHub Wiki

What we had

The previous version of SXP did not had a way for users to know if a contract was, let's say, refused by another user. The only kind of information available was when all concerned users accepted/refused.

What we did

We made the Wish for each individual contract be showed to all concerned users as soon as another user changes the Status of a contract. For this we added a champ to ContractEntity named partiesWish. And a function updateContract to contracts to propagate the information to all users.

On the frontend we added a color representation for each Wish for an intuitive grasp without the need to check further.

What can still be done

So far this is only seen from the Contract menu, one possibility is to add the same information to the Contract chat, either by a header or my a message sent to the chat every time someone changes the Status of a Contract.