NoRookies - GhoulofGSG9/Shine-Epsilon GitHub Wiki


This plug-in offers you the ability to set a min playtime for players to do certain things.

It uses the UWE Hive ( and the Steam API ) to get the players total playtime and so there is no way to hide as rookie.

At the moment it allows you to block that players can join any team or that players are able to enter the Command Chair/Hive.

Players with access to sh_ignorestatscheck will be ignored by this plug-in.

Default Config

The default config looks something like this:

    "MinPlayer": 0,
    "AllowSpectating": true,
    "InformMessage": "This server is not rookie friendly",
    "Kick": true,
    "Kicktime": 60,
    "KickMessage": "You will be kicked in %s min",
    "BlockCC": false,
    "BlockMessage": "This server is not rookie friendly",
    "InformAtConnect": true,
    "MinPlaytime": 8,
    "MinComPlaytime": 8,
    "UseSteamTime": true,
    "BlockTeams": true,
    "ShowSwitchAtBlock": false,
    "DisableAfterRoundtime": 0,
    "WaitMessage": "Please wait while we fetch your stats."

The file should be called “NoRookies.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

The %s placeholders will be replaced by given plug-in message values.

Config Options

Option Description Message Values
MinPlaytime Playtime (in hours) players have to fit to to pass the team check
MinComPlaytime Playtime (in hours) players have to fit to to pass the comm check
BlockCC If true, the plug-in will block access to command chair for player who doesn’t fit to the *MinComPlaytime*
BlockTeams If true, the plug-in will block access to teams for player who doesn’t fit to the *MinPlaytime*
ShowSwitchAtBlock If true, the plug in will show the switch menu of the Server Switch Plugin if a player fails the check
AllowSpectating If true, the plug-in will not block access to the spectator team
ShowInform If true the *InformMessage’ is shown to players after they have connected
BlockMessage Message which will be send to player who didn’t pass the check.
MinPlayers If the human player count is below this limit, this plug-in won’t check any user
DisableAfterRoundtime After this amount of minutes after a round start, they plug-in be inactive until the round end, 0 will disable this function.
UseSteamTime If true, they plug-in will fetch the playtime directly from steam via the steam web api. Have in mind this only works with public visible steam profiles
Kick If true blocked players will be kicked after the by Kicktime given seconds.
KickMessage Message which is shown before a player is kicked time left until kick
WaitMessage Message shown to users in case we are still fetching their data (takes max 15 seconds)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️