RookieOnly - GhoulofGSG9/ GitHub Wiki


This plugin offers you the ability to set up a server only for rookies (or any ppl below a given limit.

It uses the values of the UWE Hive.

There are two modes:

  1. Hive Level based
  2. Hive Playtime based

Players with access to sh_mentor will be ignored by this plugin.

Default Config

The default config looks something like this:

    "InformMessage":"This server is rookies only",
    "KickMessage":"You will be kicked in %s seconds",
    "WaitMessage":"Please wait while your data is retrieved",
    "BlockMessage":"This server is rookies only"

The file should be called “norookies.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

The %s playeholders will be replaced by given plugin message values.

Config Options

Option Description Message Values
Mode What mode should be used for the check
MaxPlaytime Max Playtime ( in hours ) players have to fit to to pass the team check
MaxLevel Max level a player is allowed to have to pass the team check
ShowSwitchAtBlock If true, the plugin will show the switchmenu of the Server Switch Plugin if a player gets blocked
AllowSpectating If true, the plugin will not block access to the spectator team
InformAtConnect If true the InformMessage is shown to rookies after they connect
InformMessage Message which is shown at connect if InformAtConnect is true
BlockMessage Message which will send to player who fail the check
Kick If true blocked players will be kicked after given time.
KickTime Time in secounds until a player is kicked if KickBlockedPlayers is true.
KickMessage Message which is shown before a player is kicked time left until kick
WaitMessage Message shown to users we haven’t got the data from yet
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️