NS2Stats - GhoulofGSG9/NS2Stats.com GitHub Wiki


This plugin logs mostly all action during the game and creates a log to store the log as informative stats at NS2Stats.com.

It also can use this stats to award the best players at the end of a round or create elos for players based on their stats.

All players are given access to sh_showplayerstats and sh_showserverstats automatically. Player with given rights also can use sh_addtag, sh_verify.

Default Config

The default config looks something like this:

    "AwardMsgColour": [ 255, 215, 0 ],
    "Statusreport": true,
    "Tags": [  ],
    "Lastroundlink": "",
    "WebsiteUrl": "http://ns2stats.com",
    "AwardMsgTime": 20,
    "Competitive": false,
    "ServerKey": "",
    "LogChat": false,
    "ShowNumAwards": 4,
    "SendMapData": false,
    "Awards": true,

The file should be called “Ns2Stats.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

Config Options

Option Description
WebsiteUrl Url of the NS2Stat server change this if you want to use your own server.
LogChat If true, the chat will also be added to the log and can be seen with the stats.
SendMapData Only set this true if the minimap is not shown in round log. Will send needed info to ns2stats Servers with mapload.
Awards If true, then awards will be shown at the end of the round
ShowNumAwards Determs how many awards should be shown (at the moment max is 8).
AwardMsgTime How long in secounds should awards be shown.
AwardMsgColour RGB code which will be used for the award message.
Competitive If true the server will marked as competitive at ns2stats.com
ServerKey ID of server from NS2Stats.com , you can use your old key if you e.g. switch your hoster. Serverkeys can be easily found here after login
Tags Tags which will be added to the stats for easier finding. Add Tags in this way: [ “tag1” , “tag2”, …] . You can also use the sh_addtag command ingame.
Statusreport If true the server will send live stats to ns2stats.com


Command Chat Command Arguments Description
sh_showserverstats !showserverstats N/A Opens the server stats.
sh_showplayerstats !showplayerstats or !showstats N/A Opens the player stats.
sh_verify !verify N/A Sets user as serveradmin at website
sh_addtag !addtag <tag> Adds give tag to stats.
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