Killstreak - GhoulofGSG9/ GitHub Wiki


This Plugin provides a easy way to count killstreaks. It will print out reached killstreaks of players at the chat and if set so plays Quakesounds to give killstreak.

All players are given access to sh_disablesounds to disable sounds for their client.

Default Configs

Server Config

The default server config looks something like this:

    "StoppedMsg": "%s has been stopped by %s ",
    "AlienColour": [ 255, 0, 0 ],
    "MarineColour": [ 0, 0, 255 ],
    "SendSounds": true,
    "StoppedValue": 5,
    "KillstreakMinValue": 3

The file should be called “Killstreak.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

Client Config

The default client config looks something like this:

    "PlaySounds": true,
    "SoundVolume": 100

The file should be called “Killstreak.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your client plugin config directory (default is config://shine/cl_plugins).

Config Options

Server Config:

Option Description
SendSounds If true, Quake sounds will be played for all clients with sounds enabled.
AlienColour RGB code which is used for alien team (team 2) member killstreak messages.
MarineColour RGB code which is used for marine team (team 1) member killstreak messages.
KillstreakMinValue Any killstreak under this number will not be shown.
StoppedValue A player must have reached this number of a killstreak before a stopped message is displayed at his death.
StoppedMsg Message shown if a player get “stopped”: first %s will be replaced by players name second %s by killers name

Client Config:

Option Description
PlaySounds If true, killstreak sounds are played at client.
SoundVolume Determs the volume in % of played sound, must be between 0 - 200 %.

Client Commands

Command Arguments Description
sh_disablesounds N/A turn on/off Sounds.
sh_setsoundvolume 0-200 Sets a volume in % for the killstreak sounds.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️