Dev:Register replaceable module - Ghost-chu/QuickShop-Reremake GitHub Wiki

Replaceable Module allow you replace QuickShop some part of code with yours.


All works must done before QuickShop onEnable() called. So you must do like that:

  1. Add depend into plugin.yml make sure QuickShop loaded before your plugin loaded.
softdepend: [QuickShop]
  1. Impl the interface.
  2. Register your module into quickshop, quickshop use services manager so you need register yourself classes to services manager before quickshop booted up.
public void onLoad(){ //MUST ON ONLOAD METHOD
   ItemMatcher mathcer = new YourSelfMatcher();
   Bukkit.getServicesManager().register(mathcer, ItemMatcher.class, this, ServicePriority.NORMAL);

And we done, quickshop will use your module as expected.