Dynamic Collections - GhooTS/GTScriptableVariable GitHub Wiki
Dynamic Collections
are wrappers for List of Components
or Game Objects
the purpose of Dynamic Collections
is to decouple the way of collecting Components
or Game Objects
from the systems that require those Components
/Game Objects
By default there is only GameObjectCollection
, which can contain Game Objects
Currently you can add custom dynamic collection only from code(Class Creator will support creation of dynamic collection in the near future).
Use this code snippets as the guidelines for creating custom dynamic collection.
- type name of the component for example Rigidbody
namespace GTVariable
public class [TypeName]Collection : DynamicCollection<[TypeName]>
//this file should be in "Editor" folder
namespace GTVariable.Editor
public class [TypeName]CollectionEditor : DynamicCollectionEditor<[TypeName]Collection, [TypeName]>