Class Creator - GhooTS/GTScriptableVariable GitHub Wiki

Class Creator

Use class creator whenever you need to create custom type of Variable, Game Event or Event Trigger

To open class creator window navigated to Tools > Class Creator

After opening the class creator window:

  1. Specify the path in which files should be create, by clicking on Select Button in top right.

The path should lead to the Assets folder and shouldn't lead to the this package folder

  1. Specify the class name and type name for example Class Name: Float | Type Name: float
  2. You can add namespace in namespace field, if needed. For example using MyNameSpace;
  3. Select either Game Event Creator to create custom Game Event or Variable Creator to create custom Variable
  4. Select classes you want to create.
  5. You can preview file by clicking Preview Button. You need to update preview everytime you make chanages.
  6. Click Create Button to create clasess file or Delete Button to delete classes file.

Folder structure for custom types

├── Editor                             # Folder for editor class
|   ├── Collections
|   ├── Events
|   |   ├── EventTriggers
|   |   |   ├── CollisionTriggers
|   |   |   └── Triggers
|   |   ├── GameEvents
|   |   ├── Listeners
|   |   └── UnityEvents
|   └── Variables
|   |   ├── References
|   |   └── Vars
|   |   |   └── ReadOnly
└── Runtime                            # Folder for runtime class
|   ├── Collections
|   ├── Events
|   |   ├── EventTriggers
|   |   |   ├── CollisionTriggers
|   |   |   └── Triggers
|   |   ├── GameEvents
|   |   ├── Listeners
|   |   └── UnityEvents
|   └── Variables
|   |   ├── EventVars
|   |   ├── References
|   |   └── Vars
|   |   |   └── ReadOnly