Submission checklist - GhentAnalysis/heavyNeutrino GitHub Wiki

These were written with UL in mind, might not all apply for pre-UL

Updates / fixes to be made

  • in 2016 3 triggers should be added, unless someone objects
    • 2016 Single Electron trigger set: add HLT_Ele27_eta2p1_WPLoose_Gsf
    • 2016 Singe Muon trigger set: add HLT_IsoMu22_eta2p1 and HLT_IsoTkMu22_eta2p1
  • prefiring corrections are now available for both electrons and muons, and are relevant for all 3 years (2018 no longer unaffected)
  • there are now 46 psWeights available (index 0 through 45) (currently storing 14). The ordering has changed so that we need indices 4,5, 26, and 27 --> we're currently not storing the last 2. In principle the order depends on the pythia8 version, so we need to be sure it's consistent for all UL samples.

Things to check when submitting samples for general use:

  • are the GlobalTags updated? Check on
  • storeAllTauID should be set for anything Liam uses
    Confirmed. It should be used in general if you want access to all deepTau information instead of the set standard working point.
  • storeLheParticles should be set for TTGamma samples only (so that events with photon _lhePt < 10 can be removed)
  • storeJecSources should be set as long as there as precision measurements going on in the group, can always be needed
  • the sample list name should contain the year and ideally some name that makes the batch of samples recognizable
  • even if all samples seem to have been submitted successfully some might not have been submitted, one way to check: run for folder in */*/*; do crab status "$folder" >> crabStatusLog.txt ; done in your crab folder, then check this log the folders for failing jobs in the crab directory should be deleted before resubmitting
  • is the skim you're using loose enough for everyone?
  • recommendations for what exact name to use for primary datasets / eras has changed in the past. Check if this happened again
  • when processing the TTW EWK samples Kirill privately produced a change needs to be made in lheEventInfo = cms.InputTag("externalLHEProducer") --> lheEventInfo = cms.InputTag("source") Otherwise psweights and other lhe info will not be available. Don't forget to put it back

Sample lists:

A reasonably complete list of required samples for UL can be obtained by taking everything Liam submitted for UL:

(check for samples with UL in the name)

and adding everything Gianny submitted (these were submitted exactly because they were missing / incomplete on Liam's side) :

(already only contains UL samples)