Home - Getbeans/Beans GitHub Wiki
Hello and Welcome to the Beans Contributor Wiki!
Thierry and I want to thank you for getting involved to help grow Beans and our incredible Community. Seriously, from us to you, thank you!
This wiki is dedicated to helping you to get started and be a success at contributing to the Beans framework codebase.
If you're new here, then it's important that you read the entire wiki, in order, starting with the core philosophies.
All Skill Levels Welcome!
All coding skill levels are welcome to contribute to Beans. Seriously. We'll help you, guide you, offer suggestions, do code reviews, and help you to successfully contribute.
We also welcome your input. Share your thoughts and insights in one of the open issues or on a pull request.
Need Help?
Reach out on Slack in the
group. We are here to help you contribute to Beans! And don't worry. ALL QUESTIONS should be asked. If you're wondering, someone else is too.
The Beans Way - Our Philosophies and Approaches
Beans must deliver on these core principles:
- Stable, No-Fuss, No-Issues "One-Click" Updates
- "Knock Your Socks Off" Performance
- Be Seen with "Rank on Top"
- Empower Developers to Build What's Needed Very Quickly
- Innovative and Smart
- ...all the above on ALL devices
Learn more by reading The Beans Approach
Contributor's Quick Start
The Quick Start provides you with (yes, you guessed it) a quick start for setup and how to contribute. It includes how to fork, clone, setup the upstream, keep things in sync, branching, submitting pull requests, and more.
Please take the time to read this wiki page.
V1.x Code Style
This wiki page covers our coding structure, naming, and standards. Please take the time to read this wiki page.
V2.x Code Style
This wiki page covers our coding structure, naming, and standards. Please take the time to read this wiki page.
This wiki page introduces you to unit and integration testing, our standards, and provides a quick setup and start to get you testing. Please take the time to read this wiki page.