Helpful Tools - GetTerminus/terminus-ui GitHub Wiki
- Refined Github
- Chrome extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features.
- Octotree
- Chrome extension that adds a code tree for GitHub.
- Github with a Cape
- Chrome Extension which adds a bunch of new features to GitHub.
- Awesome Autocomplete for GitHub
- Add instant search capabilities to GitHub's search bar
- Octohint
- A browser extension which brings VSCode's IntelliSense hint to GitHub
- OctoEdit
- A Chrome Extension that adds a new tab to the comment edit area in GitHub, providing Markdown syntax h ighlighting and tabbing behavior.
- Github Highlight Selected
- Chrome extension for highlighting selected word in GitHub source view like Sublime Text.
- Octopatcher
- Chrome extension to make GitHub content collapsable.
- Committizen CLI
- When you commit with Commitizen, you'll be prompted to fill out any required commit fields at
commit time.
- CCMenu
- CCMenu displays the build status of projects on a continuous integration server as an item in
the Mac's menu bar.
- Hub for Git
- Hub is a command line tool that wraps git in order to extend it with extra features and commands
that make working with GitHub easier.
- Augury
- Augury helps Angular 2.0 developers visualize the application through component trees, and visual debugging tools.
- KeepingYouAwake
- A Caffeine clone for macOS Yosemite, El Capitan and Sierra.
- Npm Task List
- Interactive CLI menu to list & run NPM tasks.
- Migrating from NPM to Yarn
- ImageOptim
- Removes bloated metadata. Saves disk space & bandwidth by compressing images without losing
- NPM commands cheatsheet
- A useful NPM commands cheat sheet.
- CodeCov Browser Extensions
- Browser extensions for CodeCov.
- PR Deetz
- Chrome extension that shows details of pull requests related to a commit.
- Neo Vision
- Chrome extension that syntax-highlights source code files with customizable themes.
- Do Not Merge WIP for GitHub
- Disables "Merge pull request" button while PR title contains 'WIP' or any task remains unfinished.
- Fork
- A fast and friendly git client for Mac
- Github Desktop
- GitHub Desktop is a seamless way to contribute to projects on GitHub.