Home - GetTerminus/blog GitHub Wiki


Welcome to the Terminus blog! There is a lot of good information here, Hugo and gh-pages. The purpose of this wiki is to show you how the mechanisms were built at Terminus and to get a basic understandings of how this blog was constructed.

Getting Started

Please familiarize yourself with the Quick Start and Host on Github. We chosen a clean and plain vanilla theme kiss which we will build our branding on top of. For this blog, we went with the gh-pages option.

Building the Mechanism

Building this is pretty straight forward (after many fumbles...).

  1. Make sure to always create a branch from master.
  2. Do NOT delete the gh-pages branch. The gh-pages branch is needed to publish the site.
  3. Add the (your) repo to your CI platform. In our case, we are using Drone.
  4. In Terraform create a file and add a CNAME record. FYI, a CNAME file is needed at the root in the gh-pages branch. Note that the publish_to_ghpages.sh CNAME will need to be changed for your respected blog.


To sum up, I hope this short wiki is helpful on how we built our blog at Terminus. This blog is built to showcase all the cool things we are doing at Terminus. Or, just to vent. Nonetheless, it is a place where we share our ideas and help the community.