Enrichment - GetStream/stream-swift GitHub Wiki

Collections and Users

let userFeed = Client.shared.flatFeed(feedSlug: "user", userId: "jack")

// setup an enriched activity type with the `Post` as the subclass of `CollectionObject`
typealias UserPostActivity = EnrichedActivity<User, Post, String>

Client.shared.add(collectionObject: Post(text: "...", id: "42-ways-to-improve-your-feed")) { _ in
    let post = try! result.get()
    userFeed.add(UserPostActivity(actor: User.current!, verb: "post", object: post)) { _ in
        // if we now read Jack's feed we will get automatically the enriched data
        userFeed.get(typeOf: UserPostActivity.self) { result in
            // we can also update Jack's post and get the new version
            // automatically propagated to his feed and its followers
            post.text = "new version of the post"
            Client.shared.update(collectionObject: post) { _ in
                userFeed.get(typeOf: UserPostActivity.self) { result in
                    // jack's feed now has the new version of the data