ZZZ_Technologies Used - GetRecced/IR670_Spring2018 GitHub Wiki

Being a Graduate Course in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Texas A&M University, the CSCE 670 - Information Storage and Retrieval course would obviously require us to write code as a part of the submission.

We outline below at a high level what programming languages we used, as well as which libraries and what purpose they were used for.

Programming Languages


  • Implementation of Baseline Approaches
  • Scripts to split datasets into Train/test based on our customized requirements
  • Scripts to scrape Amazon website to reverse lookup product details from an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) code
  • Data Analysis and Exploration of our datasets
  • Code to convert .json files to .votes files as required by HFT


  • Running of HFT models with custom modifications


Library Name Usage
Pandas Reading and writing data in 'dataframes' in Python
SkLearn, Scipy, Numpy Matrix operations, calculation of RMSE, MAE, Pearson correlation, etc
Surprise Implementation of SVD Approach
Matplotlib Plotting data for analysis
Requests Hitting URLs for Asin lookup
BeautifulSoup HTML Parsing
pyLDAvis Visualization of LDA topics