Save Directory - Germanunkol/trAInsported GitHub Wiki

Depending on your operating system, all of the game's saved files are in one of the following:

Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\LOVE\trAInsported or %appdata%\LOVE\trAInsported

Windows Vista and 7:

C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\LOVE\trAInsported or %appdata%\LOVE\trAInsported


$XDG_DATA_HOME/love/trAInsported or ~/.local/share/love/trAInsported


/Users/user/Library/Application Support/LOVE/trAInsported

There are multiple sub-directories in this folder:

AI: All of your Artificial Intelligence scripts should go in here. The game will look for AIs only in this folder.

Maps: This is where you should put all the downloaded challenge maps. The game will load all these files when you click on "Challenges" in the main menu.

Screenshots of the game (hard-coded to F5) will also be in this directory.