GameRules - Germanunkol/trAInsported GitHub Wiki


  • Each train costs 25 credits.
  • Each normal passenger gives you 5 credits when you drop them off at their destination.
  • A VIP (Very Important Passenger) gives you 15 credits if you drop them off at the correct destination, but only if it's within the time limit. Otherwise, a VIP will also only give you 5 credits.
  • The time limit of a VIP is dependent on the distance to his/her destination.
  • There is no set order in which trAIns and AIs get to take their turns.
  • To keep the framerate high, each of your functions may only run for a certain number of code-'lines'. To see how many 'lines' you have left, use the function getNumberOfLines() .
  • An AI has won the match if it has transported more passengers successfully than any other AI. It will get 3 points for this.
  • The next AI will get 2 points and the 3rd AI will get 1 point. The last AI does not get any points.

See also

Game Modes that influence gameplay.