Master Conf LED - Gerfunky/TinyPixelMapper GitHub Wiki
Any changes on this page require a SAVE and REBOOT for them to take effect.
Data Mode
Max Nr Leds
Set this to the total amount of LEDs you have connected. In Line mode a Sum of all Lines. In Mirror Mode the amount of leds connected to one output. Since if you set this to max we will allway output that amout of LEDS and slow leds (WS2812) will limit the FPS allot. For WS2812 dont go over 680 LEDS on one line. For APA102 you can connect more leds, depending on the APA102 DATARATE
This also defines the Audio Data (FFT) history length.
The Hardcoded Max is set to 6*170 = 1020. It is possible to go higher but each additional led would use up an aditional 32Bytes of memory and slow down the processing. If requested over Gitthub issues we will release a aditional binary with a Higher MAX_NUM_LEDS set.
In Mirror mode all lines start at led 0 and output the same pattern.
Led Mode LINE
In Line mode they are in a Line one after the other. So that each output can do its own thing. So you need to set the Nr of leds for each data Line Correctly the correct starled for that output. ( MAX 1020 SUM of all Lines, see Max Nr Leds above). You can press the Calc Start Led button to help you select the correct start Position for that line.
LED Types
More Led types will be added if requested since FastLed supports a lot more.
ModeNr | Mode | led_type | Data Lines |
0 | Mix Mirror | MIX | Data1 + CLk 1 = APA102 ; Data3 = WS2812 ; Data4 = SK8622 |
5 | Mix Line | MIX | Data1 + CLk 1 = APA102 ; Data3 = WS2812 ; Data4 = SK8622 |
1 | Line | APA102 | Data1+CLK & Data3+Data4(clk) = APA102 |
2 | Mirror | APA102 | Data1+CLK & Data3+Data4(clk) = APA102 |
3 | WS2812b Line | WS2812b | Data1 to Data4 = WS2812b |
4 | WS2812b Mirror | WS2812b | Data1 to Data4 = WS2812b |
Select how fast to send data to the APA102 or compatible, if you have bad connections or long lines this can help to get the glich out. But slows down the transmission so the max number of LEDs you can connect gets reduced. (reboot required)
Max Brightness
Here you can limit the MAX output for all lines. This will scale down the Max, not gate it.
Data 1-4 On
Select what Data outputs are enabled (reboot required) .
Start Led (Data Line)
What is the first led for that line in Line Mode.
Calc Start Led
If you enterd the NR Leds for the line before it will calculate the New start led for you.
NR of Leds (Line Mode)
Select how many leds are connected to each line.
When this is enabled dont load FPS and Master from the config File allways use the Variable Resistors.
When this is enabled we wont read the HW Variable resistors on the Unit.
Lamp Config Button
Here you can setup and Save a Lamp Config. If a Pattern is saved with Auto Calculating Paletes Compression Its possible to make the Pattern automatically adjust to different Strip Lengths. Since the Different TPM Lamps have a different length for the last Layer. So its not nessesery to create a Save version for every Lamp type. Just setup/select the Lamp here.
Auto Calculate Start LED
The Top Row of every Block is a button. If you know your strip lenghts just enter the Numbers of Leds. Then enter the Correct Start Led for the First Strip and then press the Auto calc button for each of the following Strip.
Update DropDown
This request a list of all Lamp Configs from the unit and then updates the Dropdown. (Max 16 config, 0-15)
Select you Lamp to configure the Srtip Lengths.
Config NR - Name - Save 2 Disk
Enter The config Number You want to use, Enter A name for your Lamp and Hit save 2 Disk to create a new or update an entry.
Dont forget to update the dropdown after creating/renaming a config.
When you hit Save 2 Disk you also make this your default Lamp on boot.