Locating the data - GerardMJuan/BrainFortLib-neuroimage-hub GitHub Wiki

This document will describe where in the HPC the files we will work on are located. Also, it will detail a bit the directories that held the data.

Most of the file are hosted on my directory, in the HPC cluster. I am working with the assumption that you will have access to the cluster. If that is not the case, I will have to download the data manually and give it to you.

ADNI data

ADNI is a multimodal (with several types of data), longitudinal (with adquisitions of data over time) dataset of patients affected with (or at risk to develop) Alzheimer's Disease. It is one of the main available datasets for the study of the disease. More info about this dataset can be found in the ADNI website.

T1 images of the ADNI dataset can be found on my directory, at the following path:


And the BIDS directory (more info on BIDS in The corresponding wiki page) is:


ADNI Metadata

The metadata (extra information about the patients and the images) is in:


There are a lot of files of metadata. The most important is ADNIMERGE.csv, which is a general file with the most important information of each patient and acquisition.

Template and atlas files

Template and atlas files are used to register and to parcelate a brain into different regions. They can be found at:


The most used template is the MNI152, which is found in that directory (icbm_avg_152_t1_tal_nlin_symmetric_VI.nii).
