Models - GerHobbelt/nvd3 GitHub Wiki

If you take a pen and paper and draw a chart, you will find that even the simplest chart (for example a line chart), can be decomposed into separate components. In addition to the line representing the data, there are the x- and y-axes and possibly a legend.

In the same way, nvd3.js charts are the result of composing a variety of basic components.

This gives us a couple of benefits:

  1. We can ensure that charts are consistent: they all use the same basic components
  2. We have flexibility to create more complex charts: if you want a chart with a combination of chart types not supplied, the framework allows you to construct your own easily.


nvd3.js comes with a variety of simple chart types as well as a selection of combined charts (e.g.: line + scatter).

Component Object Name Related Combined Charts
Bullet Chart nv.models.bulletChart
Discrete Bar Chart nv.models.discreteBarChart
Historical Bar Chart nv.models.historicalBarChart linePlusBarChart
Line Chart nv.models.lineChart cumulativeLineChart, linePlusBarChart, linePlusBarWithFocusChart, lineWithFisheye, lineWithFisheyeChart
Multi Bar Chart nv.models.multiBarChart
Multi Bar Horizontal Chart nv.models.multiBarHorizontalChart
Multi Bar Time Series Chart nv.models.multiBarTimeSeriesChart
Pie Chart nv.models.pie
Scatter Chart nv.models.scatterChart scatterPlusLineChart
Stacked Area Chart nv.models.stackedAreaChart

##Model Components

Chart Basics

Components common to a variety of chart types that establish the basic skeleton of a chart.

Component Object Name Events Comments
Axis nv.models.axis
Legend nv.models.legend legendClick, legendDblclick, legendMouseover, legendMouseout, stateChange (being able to add a label would be nice)

Data Visualisations

Components that visualise data

Component Object Name Events Comments
Discrete Bar nv.models.discreteBar chartClick, elementClick, elementDblClick, elementMouseover, elementMouseout
Historical Bar nv.models.historicalBar chartClick, elementClick, elementDblClick, elementMouseover, elementMouseout May be deprecated in favour of multi bar with a single series
Line nv.models.line elementClick, elementMouseover, elementMouseout
Multi Bar nv.models.multiBar chartClick, elementClick, elementDblClick, elementMouseover, elementMouseout
OHLC Bar nv.models.ohlcBar chartClick, elementClick, elementDblClick, elementMouseover, elementMouseout Open-High-Low-Close bar
Pie nv.models.pie chartClick, elementClick, elementDblClick, elementMouseover, elementMouseout
Scatter nv.models.scatter elementClick, elementMouseover, elementMouseout
Sparkline nv.models.sparkline
Stacked Area nv.models.stackedArea tooltipShow, tooltipHide, areaClick, areaMouseover, areaMouseout