Software prerequisite - Gepetto/DieBieSlaveduino GitHub Wiki
Software prerequisite
Arduino :
- Install the arduino software
- Then go in Tools/board manager and add the STM32 Cores by STMicroelectronics
- Then chose your board options :
- Nucleo-64
- Nucleo F303RE
- CDC generic serial
- STM32CubeProgrammer (SWD)
- Enabled (generic serial)
and let the others options as default
To flash the program you need a st-link
- install
- For more convinience add the PATH environment to st-flash.bin
gedit ~/.bashrc
- add the line :
export PATH=$PATH:"path to your st-flash binarie"
- Save the
Linux and Windows compatible.
Simple Open EtherCAT Master Library SOEM gives examples to test your slaves ethercat.
Windows compatible only.
Twincat permits to manage masters end slaves devices.
ESI file generator
The easiest : Easy Configurator
Limited time license : Ethercat sdk
Need a member login : SSC tool