UART - Geowissenschaften/EXCISS GitHub Wiki

UART protocol

Basic specifications 9600baud.

The MCU uses two UART communication channels, one for SCU communication, the other for ground command & monitoring purpose aux UART connector. Both serial connections functions identical, commands and return values are exact the same.

UART command list overview

Read commands

command Function return value parameter
rdt current RTC datetime Str 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
rdm debug mode
rom operation mode Str 'RECOVERY', 'SCIENCE'
rsc read charger status Str
rsg read gauge status Str
rsl system status log Str
rsp power switches modes Str
rst temperature sensor dump 'a' or 0-14
rsi read i2c lock status none
ris ignition status Str 'standby', 'charging', 'charged', 'failed'
rta read keep alive & wakeup timer settings none

Write commands

command Function parameter return
wlf frontlight LED int 0-255
wlb backlight LED int 0-255
wdn set datetime now Str '2017_9_16_20_14_00'
wdr set recovery datetime Str '2017_9_16_20_14_00'
wux usb x mass storage power 0 (off) or 1 (on)
wua usb a mass storage power 0 (off) or 1 (on)
wub usb b mass storage power 0 (off) or 1 (on)
wps write power science 0 (off) or 1 (on)
wsd scu sd mass storage selection 1 or 2
wvs write vibration sequence 58_10_10_10_58_10_10_10
wit write ignition threshold 0-30 Volts

Execute commands

command Function parameter return
evg vibration motor go
evs vibration motor stop
etk SCU keepalive timer int sec
etw SCU wakeup timer int sec
eiv arc cap charge target voltage int V
eia abort charging -
eii request ignition with target voltage int V
eit test ignition without arc -
er42 trip watchdog to reset -
edm 1 = enable debug mode, 0 = disable debug mode -