Tables Overview - GeoscienceAustralia/egeodesy GitHub Wiki


There are 2 types of tables sitelog_xyz table contain information directly extracted from the original sitelog xml xyz tables contain information derived from the sitelogs, and point in time data about sites

table_name description references
clock_configuration Frequency Standard
cors_site A GNSS CORS site monument site
databasechangelog liquibase change log - tracks database version and history
databasechangeloglock liquibase change lock - used a build time
domain_event audit trail of application events
equipment All equipment is registered in this table
equipment_in_use equipment, associated with a setup, includes dates in use setup
gnss_antenna_configuration Antenna details none
gnss_receiver_configuration Receiver details none
humidity_sensor equipment
humidity_sensor_configuration none
invalid_site_log_received includes full text of the invalid sitelog domain_event
monument details what the receiver is mounted on
node A node is a position, at a point in time, associated with a single setupTODO - link to Brooks annotated picture
responsible_party TODO - a col called iso_19115?, refactor to a meaningful name
setup A setup is a marker to what equipment was in use at a site at a particular point in time
site Basic details about a site
site_log_received not sure what this does? only has four_char_id and id cols domain_event
site_updated not sure what this does? only has four_char_id and id cols domain_event
sitelog_collocationinformation Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_frequencystandard Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_gnssantenna Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_gnssgreceiver Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_humiditysensor Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_localepisodicevent Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_mutlipathsource Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_otherinstrumentation Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_pressuresensor Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_radiointerference Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_signalobstraction Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_site Data extracted directly from the original sitelog
sitelog_surveyedlocaltie Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_temperaturesensor Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
sitelog_watervaporsensor Data extracted directly from the original sitelog sitelog_site
weekly_solution ?
weekly_solution_available ? domain_event