Gnss site manager ~ Client development overview - GeoscienceAustralia/egeodesy GitHub Wiki

The client is written using:

  • AngularJS 2
  • Typescript
    • With typings to create typescript wrappers for Javascript


We had to modify service_worker_api. Here are some details to using Typings:

To install initially

  1. Locate - most likely in - use find file function on the source tab

  2. Install and save to the project's typings.json file with typings install dt~service-worker-api --global --save

  3. After modification when you want to use your (forked) version. See for example

    a. Edit typings.json file and add a line such as "service_worker_api": "github:GeoscienceAustralia/DefinitelyTyped/service_worker_api/service_worker_api.d.ts#5922786dcbe798fd2295 ae94f682f953f45f044e", # id:repository path#SHA

    b. typings uninstall service-worker-api --global

    c. typings install



I first attempted to use and it seemed promising but seemed to hang. It allows an interactive debugger session just like the Chrome or Firefox development tools.


This works and prints to stdout - ie. the terminal when running a npm run


The console.log doesn't work for gulp functions that return streams, such as gulp.src():

return gulp.src([
    join(APP_SRC, '**/*.ts'),
    '!' + join(APP_SRC, '**/*.spec.ts'),
    '!' + join(APP_SRC, '**/*.e2e-spec.ts')

Here you can use gulp-debug allowing you to change this to:

return gulp.src([
    join(APP_SRC, '**/*.ts'),
    '!' + join(APP_SRC, '**/*.spec.ts'),
    '!' + join(APP_SRC, '**/*.e2e-spec.ts')

Installing gulp-debug

  1. Install the node-module:

    npm install --save-dev gulp-debug

  2. Install the typing so it can be used from typescript:

    typings install dt~gulp-debug --global --save

  3. Run the installer:

    npm install

  4. Add the import to .ts files:

    import * as debug from 'gulp-debug';

  5. add the pipe(debug()) as shown above.

Selective debugging

Using a switch --debug, passed to gulp from npm. It needs to be passed-through, so the command will be:

npm run -- --debug

Arguments parser

We use yargs. Install (first time and is now saved in gnss-site-manager):

npm install --save-dev yargs

typings install dt~yargs --global --save

.ts files

Add this to the .ts files:

import { argv } from 'yargs';


  let debug: boolean = argv.debug;

This has to be done in each .ts file individually (even the tools/tasks/project we define that are imported into the gulpfile.ts/js.