Devs ~ OpenAM - GeoscienceAustralia/egeodesy GitHub Wiki

Configuration Import / Export

AWS deployment of OpenAM

See [Devs ~ Deploy to AWS.](Devs ~ Deploy to AWS.)

Docker deployment of OpenAM


An export script has already been written that automates this. The trick may be to make sure the default password is still being used for user amadmin. If not change it back. The file is image:/

# Display the docker image names
# host: 
docker ps # including geodesywebservices_open-am_1

# Move to a temp directory where later will copy the config files to
mkdir /tmp/openam_config && cd /tmp/openam_config

# Get a shell on the docker image
docker exec -it geodesywebservices_open-am_1 bash  # Or '/bin/bash'

# image: 
grep -i PW /  # to get the password if you need to change in openam

# Now run the export
cd /tmp/openam

# this will export all relevant files to `/tmp/openam/config`:

# Now one needs to get those files out of the image and back on the host.  The following files are likely the only
# ones that have been changed and the changes are needed.
# host:
docker cp geodesywebservices_open-am_1:/tmp/openam/config/embedded-directory-data.ldif .
docker cp geodesywebservices_open-am_1:/tmp/openam/config/service-cfg.xml .

Update the config files in geodesy-web-services/gws-open-am/config as needed.


Nothing should be required to be done as the docker deploy will use the config/* files. If the docker image is already running you will need to recreate it:

# host:
docker-compose up --build -d open-am