Dev ~ Upload site data on dev server - GeoscienceAustralia/egeodesy GitHub Wiki

cd geodesy-web-services/gws-system-test
cd src/test/resources
vi # and change to 

http.useProxy = true
http.proxyHost =
http.proxyPort = 2710
http.proxyUser = xxx
http.proxyPassword = xxx

And in this file comment out localhost and uncomment the lines for dev:

# localhost
#webServicesUrl = http://localhost:8081
#oauthProviderUrl = http://localhost:8083/openam/oauth2

# dev
webServicesUrl =
oauthProviderUrl =

We found that the proxy isn't needed / can't be used so we commented out the line in the file src/test/java/au/gov/ga/geodesy/gws/systemtest/ as seen below (and added the ';'):

        if (config.getUseProxy()) {
            RestAssured.proxy = ProxySpecification
//                .withAuth(config.getHttpProxyUser(), config.getHttpProxyPassword());

Then cd back to geodesy-web-services and run mvn verify.