Using SYBL - GeorgianaCopil/SYBL GitHub Wiki
SYBL is a language enabling elasticity requirements description for cloud services.
SYBL can be used by cloud providers, software providers, application developers or even end-users to describe their elasticity requirements concerning the application. The language allows for different levels of specification facilitating finer-grained elasticity specifications and enforcement depending on the actual needs of the users.
SYBL enables different levels at which users can specify elasticity requirements: application, component and programming. Application level allows for elasticity from the perspective of the whole application, while component-level and code-level elasticity requirements define user's elasticity needs for component, and respectively, sequnces of code.
Constraint:= constraintName : CONSTRAINT ComplexCondition
Monitoring:= monitoringName : MONITORING varName=MetricFormula
Strategy:= strategyName : STRATEGY WHEN ComplexCondition : action(parameterList)|
strategyName : STRATEGY WAIT ComplexCondition|
strategyName : STRATEGY STOP|
strategyName : STRATEGY RESUME
MetricFormula:= metric | number | metricFormula MathOperator metric | metricFormula MathOperator number
ComplexCondition:= Condition | ComplexCondition BitwiseOperator Condition| (ComplexCondition BitwiseOperator Condition)
Condition:= metric RelationOperator number| number RelationOperator metric | Violated(name)|Fulfilled(name)
MathOperator := + | - | * | /
BitwiseOperator := OR | AND | XOR | NOT
RelationOperator := <|>|>=|<=|==|!=
A cloud customer can specify that when the total cost is higher than 800 euro, there should be a scale-in action for keeping costs in acceptable limits.
@SYBL_ApplicationContext(strategies="St1: STRATEGY CASE total_cost>800 Euro : ScaleIn")
A software provider can specify constraints on the response time depending on the number of users currently accessing the provided software.
"Co1: CONSTRAINT rt<2ms WHEN nbUsers<1000;
Co2: CONSTRAINT rt<4ms WHEN nbUsers>=1000")
A developer could specify that the result from a data analytics algorithm must reach a certain data accuracy under a cost constraint without caring how many resources should be used for executing the code of that algorithm.
"Co1: CONSTRAINT dataAccuracy>90%;
Co2:CONSTRAINT dataAccuracy>95% WHEN total_cost>400;
Co3:CONSTRAINT total_cost<800;"
A cloud provider could specify its pricing schema or price computation policies, for example that when availability is higher than 99% the cost should increase by 10%.
@SYBL_ApplicationContext(strategies="St1: STRATEGY CASE availability>99%: