Create Ingest Folders for a Set of Files - Georgetown-University-Libraries/File-Analyzer GitHub Wiki
Create Ingest Inventory
Scan file system for assets to be ingested
Export an inventory spreadsheet and author metadata
Generate DSpace Ingest folders from the inventory spreadsheet
Import the inventory file
Optionally provide an exported copy of the metadata registry (JSON format)
Each metadata field provided will be validated against an entry in the metadata registry.
This file can be requested from the DSpace REST API.
You will need to pass a header Accept: application/json to retrieve this data in JSON format.
Review the ingest folder assembly status
Review metadata field entries
Validate Generated Ingest Folders
Select the parent folder containing a set of ingest folders
Optionally provide an export of the metadata registry
Review the status of the ingest folders
Metadata Registry
"description":"Use primarily for thesis advisor."