Space(Emacs) - GeorgesAlkhouri/dotfiles GitHub Wiki

If not otherwise said, all commands are for normal mode.


+ - Create directory

Shell Buffer

In current shell buffer do:
SPC RET rename-uniquely RET SPC-' - New shell buffer


M-[j|k] - Move subtree [up|down] or move table row [up|down].
M-[h|l] - [Promote|Demote] heading, list item at point or move table column left


o - (Smart) new line


SPC p R - Search and replace for the entire project


SPC p p - jump to project

SPC p f - find file in project

SPC / - search project (grep, rg, ...)

SPC * - search project with symbol under the cursor

SPC s s - fuzzy search in file (CTRL j and CTRL k to navigate cursor up and down in buffer)

SPC j j - use avy to jump in file