schema - GeorgePensiero/atmosphere GitHub Wiki


column name datatype details
id integer not null, pk
username string not null, indexed
password digest string not null
session token string not null, indexed

index on username and session token(both unique)


column name datatype details
id integer not null, pk
title string not null
body string not null
author_id integer not null, indexed

index on author_id (foreign key)


column name datatype details
id integer not null, pk
body string not null
author_id integer not null, indexed
story_id integer not null, indexed
parent_comment_id integer maybe indexed?

index on author_id and story_id(foreign keys) parent_comment_id can be null not sure if it needs index


column name datatype details
id integer not null, pk
likeable references polymorphic, indexed

comments and stories will have a polymorphic assoc. with likes as likeable