Sample State - GeorgePensiero/atmosphere GitHub Wiki


entities: {

users: {
   8: {
       id: 8,
       username: "Kazam",
       authored_story_ids: [1, 2],
       followed_user_ids: [24, 44],
   24: {
       id: 24,
       username: "MotherShabubu",
       authored_story_ids: [3, 4, 5],
       followed_user_ids: [],
    44: {
       id: 44,
       username: "CaptainPlanet45",
       authored_story_ids: [6],
       followed_user_ids: [8],
 stories: {
     1: { 
       id: 1,
       title: "Why Kazam is the best movie",
       body: "lorem ipsum...",
       author_id: 8,
     2: {
        id: 2,
        title: "A breakdown of the best genies in 90's pop culture",
        body: "lorem ipsum...",
        author_id: 8,
      3: {
         id: 3,
         title: "Homer simpson",
         body: "lorem ipsum",
         author_id: 24,
    comments: {
         4: {
            id: 4,
            body: "love this story",
            author_id: 24,
            story_id: 1,

 ui: {
 loading: true/false

  errors: {
     login: ["Incorrect username/password combo"],
     signup: ["username taken, password requirements not met"],
     storyForm: ["story body cannot be blank"],
     commentForm: ["comment body cannot be blank"],

 session: { currentUserId: 8 }