Project Details - GeorgeIniatis/Course-Grade-Calculation GitHub Wiki
Course Grades
- Coursework/Tests/Exams and their Weights
- Late variable that affects actual grade for the assessment
- Grades for coursework could be numbers that include decimals, percentages
- Color coding
- Drop-down lists preferred
Common elements
- Results should be converted to 22-point scale/alphanumerical
- Search feature (Surname, Student Number, Course)
- Sorting Top to Bottom and Bottom to Top (Surname, Student Number, Result, Academic Year)
- No Detriment Policy + Good Cause toggle buttons with color coding making it clear that a student is affected by Good Cause or NDP
- Input could be done through CSV/Excel file and manual input
- Ajax could be used
- Drag and drop/Multiple files?
- Validation
- Prevents the uploading of already uploaded files
- Output should be easily uploaded to myCampus through a CSV/Excel file
- Ability to choose what to export
- Results can be anonymized (Must match anon ID of other DB)
- Addition of Courses and Modification of Existing Ones
- Student related
- Ability to add comments for each student
- Student could have a Gap year or repeat the year
- System needs to be secure
Different Pages (Inspired by details above)
- Search feature (Student name/surname, Student Number, Course)
- Uploaded files should be validated
- Prevents uploading of already uploaded files
- User is asked to enter details not provided in the file
- Color coding, toggles, and drop-down lists where possible
- Option to select all, some or one Asks user to input details not provided in the file
Login Page (Landing page)
- Standard login page
- Only academics have credentials
Admin Page
- Admins can give access to others and change their privileges
- Normal users can just view information
- Admins can edit course and student information
Courses Page
- Shows all the courses
- Can click on a course and taken to the course page
- Ability to sort courses based on Academic Year Taught (2019-2020,2020-2021), Student Year (1st year course,2nd year course)
Course Page
- Ability to add/edit course
- Some of the information is uploaded through an excel file
- Course Code
- Credits
- Course Name
- Course Shorthand
- Information to show
- Course Code
- Credits
- Course Name
- Course Shorthand
- Academic Year taught
- Lecturers teaching (List)
- Semester taught ((S1/S2/S1-2)
- Degree Programme
- Comments
- Percentage of assessments required for award of credits
- Assessments for this course and ability to add/edit assessment
- Weight
- Name/Description
- Due date
Student Page
- Ability to add/edit student information
- Some of the information is uploaded through an excel file
- Student ID
- Name (Needs to be split up into first name and last name)
- Academic Plan
- Grad Year
- Dropdown menus?
- Color coded?
- Information to show
- First Name
- Last Name
- Student ID
- Anonymous ID (Should it be shown?)
- Academic Plan
- Current Year (1st year, 2nd year, etc)
- Grad Year
- Is this student taking a gap year?
- If yes, current year should be changed to "Gap Year" and this student should not be enrolled in any courses
- Comment
- Courses taken
- Can see overall Course Grades (Could have a % grade and alphanumerical one)
- Can see assessments for that course and the Grades Achieved as well as other information
- Date submitted
- Date due
- Late
- If late, final grade takes a penalty
- If NDP is activated and the date falls within the NDP date range the assessment has no effect on the course grade
- Good cause
- Good cause action
- If action == something, take appropriate action, else color code red for manual override
- Marked grade
- Penalty
- Final grade
- Individual components information
- Was the component required
- Name/Description of component
- Grade achieved
Results/Exports Page
- Holds all course grades and assessments grades for all students
- Any export should be compatible with myCampus
- Ability to filter fields
- Example 1
- Academic Year: 2020-2021
- Course code: CHEM 05
- Include Student Anonymized ID + Course Grade + Assessment 1 Grade + Assessment 2 Grade
- Example 2
- Academic Year: 2020-2021
- Course code: CHEM 04
- Include Student Anonymized ID + Exam Grade
- Page can be sorted by all fields selected to export
Must Have Features:
- Core database functionality
- Store student, courses, assessments and assessment components
- Algorithms for calculating final course grade
- Ability to make changes to data already entered
- Importing and exporting data
Would Be Nice To Have Features:
- Analytical Graphs
- Ability to copy a course and use as a template when creating more courses within the DB
- Linking lecturers with course modules, assessments and access rights
- Ability to store multiple academic years (Could be hard to implement)