Position - GeorgeGkas/isometricObelisk.js GitHub Wiki

In isometricObelisk, as well as in obelisk.js, we take advantage of isometric 3D coordinate system which is defined like this:

3D Coordinate Space

Recall the information from Getting Started chapter. All the shapes have a start point, the coordinates you passed in the constructor. To be able to place your primitive somewhere (even in the start position) you have to call the position() method. This method also accepts an object with the following keys as parameter:

x: Number,
y: Number,
z: Number

These are the exact same keys used in the primitive’s method. However, the above key values represent the primitive’s position compared to start point. As you saw in the above image, the primitive is moving in the x, y, z axis. You can give any real number you like, which means both positive and negative values, as well as, floating point numbers.

###Default values As in primitives method, you are also be able not to add the parameters, as the default point for all the primitives are the start point ( x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 ), but remember to call the method even with no parameters.