Folder Structure - GeorgeGiannopoulos/StimuliXpert GitHub Wiki
This page lists the folder structure of the latest version of StimuliXpert
StimuliXpert # Main Directory
| LICENSE # License file
| StimuliXpert.exe # Main executable file
| StimuliXpert.exe.config # Contains all the default application's settings
+---Libraries # Contains all the dll files
| DotNetEmotivSDK.dll
| edk.dll
| edk_utils.dll
| MathNet.Numerics.dll
| MathNet.Numerics.xml
| OxyPlot.dll
| OxyPlot.WindowsForms.dll
| OxyPlot.WindowsForms.XML
| OxyPlot.xml
| ThirdPartyNotices.txt # Third Party Licenses
\---Resources # Default locations of the input and output of the App
+---Images # Contains all the images that are used by the app
| +---Emotiv_Contact_Status
| | AF3_on.jpg
| | AF4_on.jpg
| | all_off.jpg
| | bad_signal.jpg
| | connected.jpg
| | cor_coef_small.jpg
| | disconnected.jpg
| | F3_on.jpg
| | F4_on.jpg
| | F7_on.jpg
| | F8_on.jpg
| | FC5_on.jpg
| | FC6_on.jpg
| | good_signal.jpg
| | no_signal.jpg
| | O1_on.jpg
| | O2_on.jpg
| | P7_on.jpg
| | P8_on.jpg
| | T7_on.jpg
| | T8_on.jpg
| |
| +---Evaluation_Images
| | Arousal.png
| | Valence.png
| |
| \---Icons
| AboutBox.jpg
| analysis.ico
| icon256.ico
| JetColormap.png
+---Output # Default location of the EEG recordings
\---Settings # Default location of user's settings