administration manual - Georepublic/pgrouting-server GitHub Wiki

When pgRouting Server is running you can access it under the following URL:


In case you get an access denied message like

Not authorized to use this Service[ <my ip address> ]

you first need to grant access to your computers IP address.

Grant Access

To be able to access the administration user interface or API, you need to add your IP address to the list of allowed IP addresses:

  1. Add IP address to file

vim path/to/WEB-INF/classes/properties/

  # Administration permission IPs
  http.allowed = localhost,,<add IP address>,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%0

And then you'll have to restart the routing-service context for it to read again the property file.

User Interface


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️