1. Getting Started - GeopJr/tankionline.js GitHub Wiki


Require it

const tankionline = require("tankionline.js");

Create a new instance for ratings

const Ratings = new tankionline.ratings('username', 'lang');

If username does not exist, an error will be thrown

lang is not required, defaults to 'en'

lang must be a string and must be one of these en/ru/pl/de/br/es

If not, an error will be thrown

Create a new instance for ranks

const Rank = new tankionline.ranks(premium, rank);

Both are required

premium is a BOOLEAN

rank is a NUMBER (>=1)

Create a new instance for top

const Top = new tankionline.top('type');

Type is required

type is a STRING

type must be crystals/experience/golds/efficiency

See their Detailed Methods pages for more