versionURIs - Geonovum/respec GitHub Wiki

Geonovum header URIs

For Geonovum there are several version URIs in the header of a ReSpec document. This page provides details on the format of the URIs and in what cases some particular URIs are shown or not.

Section headers use the Dutch titles of the URIs

Deze versie

Always shown.

If the document is not a Werkversie, a URI is constructed in this format:{pubDomain}/{specStatus}-{specType}-{shortName}-{publishDate}/

If the document is a Werkversie (specStatus="GN-WV"), then this URI is the conf.edDraftURI. The conf.edDraftURI is either explicitly specified in the respecConfig or based on the conf.github URI (see the W3c wikipage for github ). The conf.github URI is transformed to a URI using this format:{org}/{repo} will become https://{org}{repo}/.

Laatst gepubliceerde versie

Shown if a conf.publishDate is set in the respecConfig, to make sure there is at least one published version. See issue 93 as well.


Vorige versie

URI to the previous version of the document. Only shown if conf.previousMaturity and conf.previousPublishDate are set in the respecConfig. If conf.previousType is set in the config, then this is used in the URI. Otherwise it is assumed that the type is the same as the current type.

Format of the URI:{pubDomain}/{previousMaturity}/{previousType}-{shortName}-{previousPublishDate}/

Laatste werkversie

URI to the latest editor's Draft. Shown if conf.edDraftURI or conf.github is set. If conf.edDraftURI is set, this URI is used. Otherwise if the conf.github URI is set, this is transformed to a URI using this format:{org}/{repo} will become https://{org}{repo}/.