application template - GeomScale/gsoc24 GitHub Wiki

This is a template that is highly recommended to follow for your applications for GeomScale GSoC projects. It is based on the respective template of the R-project for GSoC.

Please read application example 1, application example 2 to have an idea how a successful application looks like.

Project info

Project title:

Project short title (30 characters):

URL of project idea page:

Bio of Contributor

Provide a brief (text) biography, and why you think your background qualifies you for this project.

Contact Information

Contributor name:

Contributor postal address:


Email(s): (make sure to include the email you've registered on the google system with, as well as any other good ways to contact you)

Other communications channels: Skype/Google+, etc. :

Contributor affiliation (e.g. if enrolled on some institution as PhD student or PostDoc)



Stage of completion:

Contact to verify:

Schedule Conflicts:

Please list any schedule conflict that will interfere with you treating your proposed GCoC project as a full time job in the summer. If you are applying to other internships, or have other commitments, list them.


Main mentor name and email:

Co-mentor name(s) and email(s): (at least one co-mentor required, who has to be from a different physical institution from the evaluating mentor)

Have you been in touch with the mentors? When and how?

Coding Plan and Methods

Describe in detail your plan for completing the work. What functions will be written, how and when will you do design, how will you verify the results of your coding? The sub-section headings below are examples only. Each project is different, please make your application appropriate to the work you propose.

Describe perceived obstacles and challenges, and how you plan to overcome them.

The best GSoC applications tend to be 10+ pages printed. Planning is a key part of a successful project, and demonstrates to the mentors that you are qualified and engaged.


(consult GSOC schedule)

Provide a detailed timeline of how you plan to spend your summer. Don't leave testing and documentation for last, as that's almost a guarantee of a failed project.

Make sure to identify what you plan to accomplish in each month of the project. Google has asked organizations to be more directive about milestones. Also be sure to identify what you will accomplish between acceptance and the official start of coding. (Hint: establishing your build environment and researching existing work shouldn't wait till project start)

What is your contingency plan for things not going to schedule? We understand things change, but how are you planning to address changes and setbacks?

If you have other time commitments that will interfere with GSoC, we highly recommend explaining how you will front-load the work before coding start or work extra early on to build a cushion!

Management of Coding Project

How do you propose to ensure code is submitted / tested?

How often do you plan to commit? What changes in commit behavior would indicate a problem?


Describe the qualification test that you have submitted to you project mentors. If feasible, include code, details, output, and example of similar coding problems that you have solved.

Anything Else