Beamer Info - Geocube101/AUNIS-Beamer-Program GitHub Wiki
Beamer Info
The beamer program allows for moderation and monitoring of any connected beamers
Beamer List
(Rectangle on far left)
The beamer list shows any connected beamer along with their state (red=offline, green=online)
Scrolling is allowed to reach beamers that are not on screen
Clicking a beamer on this list displays information about that beamer in the beamer statistics container and beamer status container
The beamer display (large gray rectangle in center) will also update to show the respective beamer's mode
Beamer Statistics and Status Container
(Navy blue rectangle under main beamer display and area under beamer list respectively)
The beamer statistics container show the current statistics of a selected beamer
- Address: Address of the beamer
- Mode: Mode of the beamer (Power, Fluid, Items, None)
- Role: Role of the beamer (Transmit, Receive, Disabled)
- Control: Whether the beamer is controlled by the program (Automatic, Manual)
- Buffer: Buffer percentage (only works for items and fluid)
The beamer status container shows the current status code of a selected beamer
- Address: Address of the beamer
- Code: The current status code and status message of the beamer
Beamer Control Modifications
(Two buttons on top right of screen)
The beamer control mod buttons control the beamer control (manual or automatic) and beamer state respectively
The "Toggle Control State" button controls whether the program controls the selected beamer or the user and has two modes:
- Automatic: The program will control the beamer and determine its role
- Manual: The user will control the beamer and determine its role (via the "Toggle State" button)