GSC Data Catalogue is and does - GeoSmartCity-CIP/gsc-datacatalogue GitHub Wiki
The goal of the GSC Data Catalogue is to automatically describe application metadata of sets of data (datasets) provided by pilots. The GSC Data Catalogue is a web application, with backend interfaces allowing registered users to search, read, create, update and delete information about the dataset described in the Data Catalogue.
Datasets are logical sets of data, to be seen as a logical group of different representations of the same data (e.g. dataset "buildings" may be available as Shapefiles to be downloaded, or a WMS layer, ...).
Datasets will come from different types of data sources: in GSC "data sources" are connections available from pilots:
- from a "dynamic" web service endpoint
- from a "connected" remote database
- from a "static" path where to find already predefined datasets
Data sources can be accessed via HTTP/HTTPS or FTP/SFTP or TCP/IP protocols.
- Types of "dynamic" data sources to be considered in GSC are:
- WMS (URL GetCapabilities)
- WFS (URL GetCapabilities)
- WCS (URL GetCapabilities)
- SOS (URL GetCapabilities)
- Types of "connected" database endpoints are:
- PostgreSQL/PostGIS
- Oracle
- Types of "static" data sources are:
- users local path (e.g. C:\temp)
- remote path (e.g.
Depending on the data source, different formats/outputs are usualy available, but the GSC Data Catalogue is only considering some of them.
WMS endpoints:
- PNG (to get the map in png format and open it into the pilot client)
- JPEG (to get the map in jpeg format and open it into the pilot client)
- PDF (to get the map in pdf format and download it on the user pc)
- KML/KMZ (to get the map in kml/kmz format and open it in GoogleEarth)
WFS endpoints:
- GML (to get entire or subset of dataset in gml format and download it on the user pc)
- SHP-ZIP (to get entire or subset of dataset in shapefile format and download it on the user pc)
- JSON / GeoJSON (to get entire or subset of dataset in json/geojson format and download it on the user pc)
- CSV (to get entire or subset of dataset in csv format and download it on the user pc)
WCS endpoints:
- PNG (to get entire or subset of dataset in png format and download it on the user pc)
- JPEG (to get entire or subset of dataset in jpeg format and download it on the user pc)
- GIF (to get entire or subset of dataset in gif format and download it on the user pc)
- TIFF / GeoTIFF (to get entire or subset of dataset in geotiff format and download it on the user pc)
SOS endpoints:
- XML (to get entire or subset of dataset in xml format and download it on the user pc)
Files stored on server (uploaded by user):
- any formats (to get entire predefined dataset in original format and download it on the user pc)
Once selected the type of data source, the registered user will ask the system to provide the list of available sets of data (datasets): this means that the GSC Data Catalogue should be able to derive the list of:
WMS layers (from the GetCapabilities operation)
WFS feature types (from the GetCapabilities operation)
WCS coverages (from the GetCapabilities operation)
SOS features of interest (from the GetCapabilities operation)
PostgreSQL/PostGIS tables and views
Oracle tables and views
files available in the local path (e.g. C:\temp)
files available on the remote path (e.g.
For data sets available on dynamic entpoints (e.g. WMS, WFS, ...) ingestion into the GSC hub is optional: depending on the needs, the user will or will not select if these data are to be For data sets available on databases or static paths (local/remote)