GSC Data Catalogue Services - GeoSmartCity-CIP/gsc-datacatalogue GitHub Wiki
1 Introduction
This document lists the services to create and show the JSON used for request and response. Each paragraph des1. cribes a specific setq of services.
Services in bold have been already completed and ready to be integrated.
The sets of services are:
- User services
- Organization services
- Roles services
- Functions services
- Permissions services
- Datasource services
- Dataset services
- Layer services
- Group layer services
- Application services
For all services, we show only expected parameter not full JSON. Parameters will be translate in JSON as: {param1:ββ, param2:ββ, β¦} For specific JSON required by the service, we show also an example of JSON.
The services has another request param named 'actionName'. Each service has a different actioName.
So a common service request will be done by actionName for the service name and json that contains all service params.
We want use NO-SQL approach to store our data. If we use only JSON columns and no other info (for example id), we can think to aggregate create and update functions almost use cases because the name is a key for the table.
This document is not definitive. The target is to show the basic logic of functions, but these can change.
2 User services
There is only one organization for user. User can edit only data for a specific organization and do not see other data. Admin can view all data for all organization and edit access permission.
2.1 Login
After three wrong attempts, user is temporary blocked.
actionName: login
Request json expected parameters are:
- Username
- Password
Response is a JSON with user detail (organizations, roles and functions list): {organizations:[{id:value},{id:value}..], roles:[{id:value,functions:[{id:value},..]}}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Pr
- Request
2.2 Register
Service registers a new user with the specified data, and sends a verification e-mail to the address specified (Email), reporting a verification UUID.
- Errors on e-mail sending are blocking for user registration (e.g. e-mail address is not valid).
- Until e-mail verification is done, valid e-mail address (Email) are considered "not verified" (see "Remind password" service).
- E-mail address (Email) verification must be always possible: generated UUID must be saved in database.
actionName: reguser
Request json expected parameters are:
- Username
- Password
- ConfirmPassword
- List of Organizations for example organizations:[{id:value},{id:value...}] (empty for admin users)
- β¦
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
2.3 Remind password
Service generates a new random user password and sends it to the e-mail address. The user could choose between username or email to get a new password. If Email is specified, this will be used. If username is specified, the e-mail address registered for the user will be used.
actionName: remindpwd
Request json expected parameters are:
- Username (optional)
- Email (optional)
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
2.4 Change password
actionName: changepwd
Request json expected parameters are:
- Username
- OldPassword
- NewPassword
- ConfirmNewPassword
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
2.5 Update user profile
Change user data. Username and password cannot be changed: username is a key for the application; password renewal must be done with "Change password" service.
actionName: updateuser
Request json expected parameters are:
- Username
- List of Organizations for example organizations:[{id:value},{id:value...}] (empty for admin users)
- β¦
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
2.6 Lock/unlock user (only admin)
Admin can lock/unlock user.
actionName: lockuser
Request json expected parameters are:
- Username
- Lock (true, false)
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
2.7 Unregister/delete (delete only admin)
User can unregister him from the system. Admin can delete an old account.
actionName: unreguser
Request json expected parameters are:
- Username
- Password (user reinsert the password to confirm his intentions) * (mandatory if not admin)
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
2.8 Verify mail
After the registration mail has been sent to the provided address users should click on the recieved link. The url contains a "request" parameter that is a json string containing information about id and uuid values
e.g. <"uuid":"5caa5f24-8849-4978-b9ce-72725381df04", "id":"2">
Clicking on the link will call the verifyMail action.
The service extracts both parameters from the json string, and checks whether a row with that id exists in the user table, and if the UUID matches the UUID value in the json column of that row. If it does json status value for that row becomes 'verified' and the UUID is deleted. The user is therefore fully registered.
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
2.9 List user
actionName: listuser
Request json expected parameters are:
- idorganization
Response is a list of JSON objects containing the following parameters:
- id
- username
3 Organization services
3.1 Create
actionName: createorg
Request json expected parameters are:
- Organizationname
- Description
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Id
- Description
- Request
3.2 Update
actionName: updateorg
Request json expected parameters are:
- IdOrganization
- Description
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
3.3 Delete
actionName: deleteorg
Request json expected parameters are:
- IdOrganization
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
3.4 Search/List
actionName: listorg
Request json expected parameters are:
- id (optional, if present we return only the organization with this specific id)
- Organizationname (optional, if not present (and also id is not present), all Organization are returned, otherwise return all Organization that match substring)
Response is a JSON with Organization list, each Organization contain also users list: {organizations:[{id:value,name:value,description:value},{id:value,name:value,description:value}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
4 Roles services
4.1 Create
actionName: createrole
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- Rolename
- Organization
- Description
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Id
- Description
- Request
4.2 Delete
actionName: deleterole
Request expected parameters are:
- IdRole
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
4.3 Search/List
actionName: listrole
Request expected parameters are:
- Organization
- Rolename (optional, if not present, all Roles of organization are returned, otherwise return all Roles that match substring rolename)
- includeadminrecords (optional. Can be true or false. If true search will include admin roles. those roles have no organization linked to them).
Response is a JSON with Roles list, each Role contain also users list: {roles:[{idrole:value,name:value,description:value,users:[{iduser:value,username:value},{iduser:value,username:value}]},{idrole:value,name:value,description:value,users:[]},{idrole:value,name:value,description:value,users:[{iduser:value,username:value}]}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
4.4 Assign/remove users to role (Only admin)
Add or remove user to a role.
actionName: assignrole
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdRole
- List of Users that contains iduser
For example: {idrole:value,users:[{iduser:value},{iduser:value}β¦]}
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
5 Functions services
Functions are all possible elements that can be accessed/limited to user. For examples see or not see a button in a client application, call a specific service etc, admin functionality, etc.
Two possible functions categories: application, data catalogue.
- Application functions will be use by client applications.
- Data catalogue functions will be use to access data catalogue sections and activate specific functionality
5.1 Create
actionName: createfunc
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- FunctionName
- Organization
- Type
- Description
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Id
- Description
- Request
5.2 Update
actionName: updatefunc
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdFunction
- FunctionName
- Organization
- Type
- Description
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
5.3 Delete
actionName: deletefunc
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdFunction
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
5.4 Search/List
actionName: listfunc
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- Organization
- FunctionName (optional, if not present, all functions of organization are returned, otherwise return all functions that match substring)
- includeadminrecords (optional. Can be true or false. If true search will include admin functions. those roles have no organization linked to them).
Response is a JSON with functions list: {functions:[{idfunction:value,name:value,description:value},{idfunction:value,name:value,description:value},{idfunction:value,name:value,description:value}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
6 Permissions services
Permissions are the link between roles and functions.
6.1 Assign/remove permission to role (Only admin)
Add or remove functions permitted to a role. Only one permission record for role.
actionName: assignperm
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdRole
- functions that contains idFunction and idLayer and/or idApplication (both idLayer and idApplication are optional).
For example:
{ "idrole": value, "name": "value", "functions": [ { "idfunction": value }, { "idfunction": value, "idlayer": value }, { "idfunction": value, "idapplication": value }, ... ] }
Some useful functions that have been already inserted handle the map visibility and the default map choice for a certain role. Those connections come into play when using the getConfiguration service. Map visibility function (id = 187). Any application not having this permission is not included in the output. Default map function (id = 188). Any application having this permission is labeled with "defaultMap":true in the output.
e.g. (Users with roleId = 83 are allowed to see the application having applicationid = 1)
... "idrole": 83, "functions": [ { "idfunction": 187, "idapplication": 1 }, ... ] ...
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
6.2 List permission for role
actionName: listperm
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- idRole
Response is a JSON with functions list and where is present also layername: {idrole:value,idpermission:value,functions:[{idfunction:value,name:value,description:value},{idfunction:value,name:value,description:value },{idfunction:value,name:value,description:value,idlayer:value,layername:value}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
7 Datasource services
Different datasource types:
- Oracle Is not possible catalogue this Datasource on CKAN. We can publish it on Geoserver and after publish Geoserver Layer/Workspace on CKAN (csv, wms etc)
- Postgis Same of Oracle
- Shapefiles
- β¦ When a user creates a datasource, this takes same organization of user.
How we use metadata files? When?
7.1 Create
actionName: createdatasrc
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- Datasourcename
- Organization
- Type (Oracle, Postgis, WMS, β¦)
- Description
- Updated (date type)
- Url (optional)
- Username (optional)
- Password (optional)
- Ipaddress (optional)
- schema(optional)
- database (optional)
- Port (optional)
- Path (optional)
Example: datasource shape
{"path": "/opt/shapes/edifici", "type": "SHAPE", "updated": "2013-10-21T13:28:06.419Z", "description": "SHAPE file", "organization": 665, "datasourcename": "datasourcename"}
Example: datasource postgis
{"url": "gsm-db.nco.inet", "port": "5432", "type": "POSTGIS", "schema": "schemaDB", "updated": "2013-10-21T13:28:06.419Z", "database": "nameDB", "password": "passwdDB", "username": "userDB", "description": "Postgis test", "organization": "665", "datasourcename": "datasourcename"}
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Id
- Description
- Request
7.2 Update
actionName: updatedatasrc
Request expected parameters are:
- IdDatasource
- Datasourcename
- Organization
- Type (Oracle, Postgis, WMS, β¦)
- Description
- Updated (date type)
- Url (optional)
- Username (optional)
- Password (optional)
- schema(optional)
- database (optional)
- Ipaddress (optional)
- Port (optional)
- Path (optional)
Example: datasource shape
{"path": "/opt/shapes/edifici", "type": "SHAPE", "updated": "2013-10-21T13:28:06.419Z", "description": "SHAPE file", "organization": 665, "datasourcename": "datasourcename"}
Example: datasource postgis
{"url": "gsm-db.nco.inet", "port": "5432", "type": "POSTGIS", "schema": "schemaDB", "updated": "2013-10-21T13:28:06.419Z", "database": "nameDB", "password": "passwdDB", "username": "userDB", "description": "Postgis test", "organization": "665", "datasourcename": "datasourcename"}
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
7.3 Delete
actionName: deletedatasrc
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdDatasource
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
7.4 Search/List
actionName: listdatasrc
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- Organization (optional)
- Datasourcename (optional, if not present, all datasource are returned, otherwise return all datasource that match substring)
- Detail (optional, true,false. If true all datasource data will be return. If omitted, default value will be false)
- IdDatasource (optional, use it instead of previous three params to identify a single datasource)
Response is a JSON with datasource list with full data if detail true: {datasource:[{iddatasource:value,name:value,type:value,description:value,updated:value,path:value},{iddatasource:value,name:value,type:value,description:value,updated:value,url:value,username:value,}β¦.]} Or a JSON with datasource list with limited data if detail false: {datasource:[{iddatasource:value,name:value},{iddatasource:value,name:value}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
7.5 Upload
Upload the file in a specific path of remote server
actionName: uploadfile
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- Organization
- Filename
- RemoteRelativePath
File is the other parameter to upload on post.
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
7.6 Publish on CKAN (Deprecated. We will use CKAN API to publish on CKAN)
For some type of datasource itβs possible publish it on CKAN.
actionName: pubtockan
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdDatasource
- Type (Oracle, Postgis, WMS, β¦)
- Description
- Updated (date type)
- Url (optional)
- Username (optional)
- Password (optional)
- Ipaddress (optional)
- Port (optional)
- Path (optional)
- Other CKAN params β¦
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
7.7 Data origin list
Similar to getCapabilities of WMS service. Return all data usable to create dataset from datasource (for example the list of shapefiles of our filesystem dir, or a tables list for a database).
actionName: listdataorigin
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdDatasource
Response is a JSON with data origin list: {dataorigin:[{name:value,path:value},{name:value,path:value}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
8 Dataset services
For remote data, a Cron service will be update data, downloading files in our filesystem.
8.1 Create
actionName: createdataset
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- Datasetname
- RealName (filename, etc)
- IdDatasource
- Description
- ToBeIngested (optional)
- RefreshInterval (optional)
- Url (optional)
Note: if the user wants to download the corresponding shapefiles during the dataset creation, he/she will need to use 'auto_update' as the realname. The actual file name will be taken as specified in the URL parameter which is mandatory in this scenario.
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Id
- Description
- Request
8.2 Update
actionName: updatedataset
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdDataset
- Datasetname
- RealName (filename, etc)
- IdDatasource
- Description
- ToBeIngested (optional)
- RefreshInterval (optional)
- Url (optional)
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
8.3 Delete
actionName: deletedataset
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdDataset
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
8.4 Search/List
actionName: listdataset
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdDatasource (optional)
- Datasetname (optional, if not present, all dataset of datasource are returned, otherwise return all dataset that match substring)
- idorganization (optional)
- IdDataset (optional, use this instead of previous params to search dataset by id)
Response is a JSON with dataset list: {dataset:[{iddataset:valuename:value,realname:value,iddatasource:value,datasourcename:value,description:value,tobeingested:value,refreshinterval:value,url:value},{iddataset:valuename:value,realname:value,iddatasource:value,datasourcename:value,description:value}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
8.5 Single dataset columns list
This function lists all dataset columns.
actionName: listcols
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdDataset
Response is a JSON with dataset column list: {columns:[{name:value,type:value,alias:value,visibility:value},{name:value,type:value,alias:value,visibility:value}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
8.6 Update single dataset columns metadata (visibility, alias)
Update columns metadata for a single dataset.
actionName: updcolsmetadata
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdDataset
- List of columns with type,alias and visibility
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
8.7 Cron download service
When the application is started a background cron scheduler is created. This scheduler will create a task that will download the (shape) files from a remote location to a local directory. The scheduler task runtimes can be configured by changing the property 'cronpattern' in the '' file before starting the application itself. For more information about cron patterns visit
When the task starts it will check all the dataset elements that have the 'tobeingested' parameter set to true and that satisfly the following expression: 'refreshinterval' + 'lastupdated' > [current time] where lastupdated is the last time this dataset has been updated, and refresh interval is an integer representing the number of hours that need to pass before the dataset checks for further updates. They both are dataset optional parameters. For each dataset found this way the task will then download a zip file, and will extract all the contained files. The zip is downloaded from the provided 'url' parameter, also specified in the dataset element.
9 Layer services
Geoserver workspace will be not set on layers, we will use application name to create workspaces and layers inserted in it. A specific section will manage the groups.
9.1 Create
actionName: createlyr
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- Layername
- IdDataset
- Description
- MetadataFile (optional)
- SLD (optional)
- SRS (optional - if this is not configured, application's SRS will be used instead)
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Id
- Description
- Request
9.2 Update
actionName: updatelyr
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdLayer
- Layername
- IdDataset
- Description
- MetadataFile (optional)
- SLD (optional)
- SRS (optional - if this is not configured, application's SRS will be used instead)
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
9.3 Delete
actionName: deletelyr
Request expected parameters are:
- IdLayer
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
9.4 Search/List
actionName: listlyr
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdDataset (optional)
- Layername (optional, if not present, all layers are returned, otherwise return all layers that match substring)
- idorganization (optional)
- IdLayer (optiona, use this instead o previous params to search layer by id)
Response is a JSON with layers list: {layers:[{idlayer:value,name:value,iddataset:value,datasetname:value,description:value,metadata:value,sld:value},{idlayer:value,name:value,iddataset:value,datasetname:value,description:value,metadata:value,sld:value}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
10 Group layer services
Logical groups of layers. Used by client application and Geoserver.
10.1 Create
actionName: creategrp
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- Groupname
- Organization
- Description
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
10.2 Assign layers to group
Add or remove layers to a group.
actionName: assignlyr
Request expected parameters are:
- IdGroup
- List of layers
For example: {idGroup:value,layers:[{idlayer:value},{idlayer:value}β¦]}
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
10.3 Update
actionName: updategrp
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- idgroup
- Groupname
- Organization
- Description
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
10.4 Delete
actionName: deletegrp
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdGroup
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
10.5 Search/List
actionName: listgrp
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- Organization (optional)
- Groupname (optional, if not present, all groups are returned, otherwise return all groups that match substring)
- IdGroup (optional, use this instead previous params to search group by id)
Response is a JSON with groups list: {groups:[{idgroup:value,groupname:value,layers:[{idlayer:value,layername:value},{idlayer:value,layername:value}β¦]},{idgroup:value,groupname:value,layers:[{idlayer:value,layername:value},{idlayer:value,layername:value}β¦]}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
11 Application services
Application is an aggregation of groups and layers useful to show this data with a specific logic to the clients.
11.1 Create
actionName: createapp
Request expected parameters are:
- Applicationname
- Organization
- Description
- Geoserver params (optional, used to connect to geoserver, format: geoserver:{url:value,username:value,password:value})
- SRS (optional)
- maxextent (optional) that contain the following elements: top, bottom, right, left.
- uri (optional)
Example of an application that can publish on geoserver:
{ "srs": "EPSG:3763", "groups": [{ "idgroup": "179" }], "layers": [{ "idlayer": "154" }, { "idlayer": "155" }], "geoserver": { "url": "", "password": "password", "username": "user" }, "organization": "674", "idapplication": "43", "applicationname": "ApplicationTestPublish", "uri": "", "maxextent": { "top": 4959037.1, "left": 1618217.15, "right": 1640640.87, "bottom": 4942861.25 } }
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Id
- Description
- Request
11.2 Update/Assign layers/group to application
Add or remove layers to a group.
actionName: assigntoapp
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdApplication
- Applicationname
- Organization
- Geoserver params (optional, used to connect to geoserver, format: geoserver:{url:value,username:value,password:value})
- SRS (optional)
- maxextent (optional) that contain the following elements: top, bottom, right, left.
- uri (optional)
- List of layers (mandatory but it can be empty). Each specified element has to contain the layer id, and may contain additional properties such as: (1)queryable (optional, specifies if the layer can be queried for information. False by default), (2) basic (optional, specifies if the layer is a base layer. False by default), (3) overview (optional, specifies if the layer will be used for an overview map purpose. False by default), (4) any other layer property that needs to be specified within that application
- List of groups (mandatory but it can be empty)
Example of an application that can publish on geoserver:
{ "srs": "EPSG:3763", "groups": [{ "idgroup": "179" }], "layers": [{ "idlayer": "154", "queryable":true, ...... }, { "idlayer": "155" }], "geoserver": { "url": "", "password": "password", "username": "user" }, "organization": "674", "idapplication": "43", "applicationname": "ApplicationTestPublish", "uri": "", "maxextent": { "top": 4959037.1, "left": 1618217.15, "right": 1640640.87, "bottom": 4942861.25 } }
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
11.3 Delete
actionName: deleteapp
Request expected parameters are:
- IdApplication
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
- Description
- Request
11.4 Search/List
actionName: listapp
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- Organization (optional)
- Applicationname (optional, if not present, all applications are returned, otherwise return all applications that match substring)
- IdApplication (optional, use this instead of previous params to search application by id)
Response is a JSON with applications list: {applications:[{idapplication:value,applicationname:value,layers:[{idlayer:value,layername:value},{idlayer:value,layername:value}β¦],groups:[{idgroup:value,groupname:value},{idgroup:value,groupname:value}β¦]},{idapplication:value,applicationname:value,layers:[{idlayer:value,layername:value},{idlayer:valure,layername:value}β¦],groups:[{idgroup:value,groupname:value},{idgroup:value,groupname:value}β¦]}β¦.]}
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request
11.5 Publish on Geoserver
Create all necessary structures on Geoserver (workspaces, datastores, layers, group layers).
actionName: pubongeoserver
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdApplication
Response is a JSON with parameters:
- Status (Error, Done)
11.6 GetConfiguration
Create a JSON with application structures useful to clients (for example GeoAdmin, CTW5). Retrieves all the application elements linked to the specified user through his/her permissions. Each of those application contain information about its layers.
actionName: getconfiguration
Request JSON expected parameters are:
- IdUser
Response is a JSON with a structure useful to clients:
Or a JSON with error status same in other services with parameters:
- Status (Error)
- Description
- Request