view browse map - GeoSmartCity-CIP/gsc-client GitHub Wiki
View/Browse Map
The module provides capabilities for viewing maps and the classic pan and zoom functions. Different map sources can be viewed as base maps overlaid by additional vector and bitmap layers.
The module depends on OpenLayers 3 library [1]. It enables to display map content on a web page.
Full API is available on GitHub at src/map/map.js.
Typical application of the module is exemplified in Listing 1. It creates a map with standard functions (pan, zoom, view layers). It is parameterised with bounding box, SRS and units. Name of HTML div element is also provided to indicate where the map should be displayed. Finally, a layer is added to the map. Of course, multiple layers can be added.
var options = {
epsg: "EPSG:3003",
bounds: [1618102.37, 4942652.95, 1640661.9, 4959185],
units: 'm'
var gscMap = new'map',options);
var reggio_emilia = new ol.layer.Image({
source: new ol.source.ImageWMS({
ratio: 1,
url: '',
params: {'FORMAT': 'image/png',
'VERSION': '1.1.1',
LAYERS: 'reggio_emilia:edifici',
Additional examples can be found at