registration - GeoSmartCity-CIP/gsc-client GitHub Wiki

User registration, accounts module

The module implements a dialog widget for registering new users and edit the profiles of existing users. It also implements the underlying functions to create/edit a user. The library can be used to create users programmatrically as well as interactively through the dialogue.


The API is available at GitHub in the file src/user/user.js.



<!-- The following mark-up will define an element to contain the registration widget -->
    ... <!-- other mark-up -->
    <div id="authForm"></div>
// The following will add the widget to the specified element on startup
// The widget will consist of HTML mark-up, utilizing bootstrap CSS classes and component definitions.
// The method accepts an optional config object, if this is omitted, specify null in it's place
// Valid options include:
// 'bgColor': Background color of the widget
// 'textColor': The color of text in the widget
// ...
jQuery("document").ready(function() {
    gsc.user.registrationWidget("#authForm", {});

Example of user registration can be found in registerUser.html.

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