Ruda Śląska Tasks - GeoSmartCity-CIP/gsc-client GitHub Wiki

Ruda Śląska Tasks

  1. Accounts with different rights – Self-registration , Authentication
  2. Admin (Municipality) – Giving special rights to specific network for Companies
  3. Companies – Have rights to manage one or multiple networks
  4. Surveying department – Accepting/Declining changes made by Companies
  5. Companies must be able to locate place which they want to change on map, also by filtering on attributes - Geocoding/locate , View/browse map, Filter on attributes
  6. When Company will choose some object there must be actuall info about it - Info on feature
  7. All info should be editable (depending on network type) and there should be possibility to add new rows - Form data entry (box, icons, slider), Comment geo-feature/Edit features
  8. Surveying department reviewing changes made by Companies and accepting/declining them for public maps, all recent changes should be listed in some Dashboard - Dashboard / stats at (sub)municipal level, Comment geo-feature/Edit features