Oeiras Specific Tasks - GeoSmartCity-CIP/gsc-client GitHub Wiki
Oeiras Specific Tasks
1. Upload data file
- The objective is to upload a building footprint in order to use that geometry to calculate the building solar potential considering other buildings (neighboors)
- The formats that can be accepted are: shp, gml, kml and CityGML
- For the shp and gml formats the building height above ground must be an attribute or an input
2. Edit features
- The objective is to draw a roof area (polygon) in order to calculate over the solar potential theme the electricity output (KWh/y), the system size (kW), % system size...
- Editing features in this context is only about geometry
- We don't know\can'n find what is Commenting geo feature. For us Editing features is a user geometry drawing in order to use the coordinates do perform spatial analysis over the solar potential layer.