Crowdsourcing Administration Platform - GeoSmartCity-CIP/gsc-client GitHub Wiki

some findings

  • This feature is used in two pilots: OEIRAS ans FLANDERS
  • Although there is a native mobile application for crowdsourcing, we need touch-device ready "alert/event feature".
  • We are about to design graphical interface (windows, tables, input fields, labels, charts) where the data (events attributes) will be passed. This should be done as much as possible independent.
  • We are NOT about to design full geoplatform.
  • There are two main parts of our work:
    • alert/event info feature displays an event on the map, provides the event's attributes, creates a new event, has an ability to view an attached media file
    • alert/event administration feature (backoffice) shows a selectable list of the events, shows an editable attributes of selected feature, has an approval/disapproval ability, provides an event deletation, shows the statistics?

some issues

  • What statistics should be presented ?


Fig. 1: Login and button add event
####crowd-sourcing functionality:
  • getEvents
  • possibility: display them on the map

Fig. 2: Add event, step 1 - welcoming.

Fig. 3: Add event, step 2 - set location.

Fig. 4: Add event, step 3 - type, description, attachment.

Fig. 5: Add event, step 4 - user identification.

####crowd-sourcing functionality:

  • addEvent

Fig. 6: Click on an event - table of the attributes.
Fig. 7: Login.
Fig. 8: Administration table -list of an events.
Fig. 9: Statistics, charts.
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