Python OCC Compile Instruction - GeoMop/GeoMop GitHub Wiki

PythonOCC Build Instruction

You can find compile instruction in file of PythonOCC repository:

but there some important notes missing or there notes are not described well.

OpenCascade Build Instruction

You need specific version of OpenCascade (OCE), but you have to aware that it need not to be the latest version of OCE. It is recommended to use following repository:

When you download it using git:

git clone [email protected]:tpaviot/oce.git

then you need to checkout required version (e.g. 0.16.1) of OCE:

git checkout tags/OCE-0.16.1

Then you can do following steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
su make install

If you are ready with OpenCascade, then you can build PythonOCC.