NetGen Compile Instruction - GeoMop/GeoMop GitHub Wiki

NetGen Compile Instruction

NetGen is Ad-hoc software and it is not easy to compile it. :-1:

You will need to compile it with support of OpenCascade, because you will need to read some CAD formats.

First of all you will need to run configure with following parameter:

./configure --enable-occ

Despite OpenCascade and all devel libraries are installed (do not use --with-occ, because it add some /inc string to the specified path and it is absolutely useless parameter). Then you can try to run:


It will probably end with some errors. I had to do some bug fixing of code to be able to compile it. Yes, I talk about compiling of stable version :-1:

Linking of program will probably fail, because it uses some ancient libraries and there are missing symbolic links. I had to do this in my Fedora Linux distribution:

ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

Then you can run (as root):

make install

It will install NetGen to /opt/netgen. It will not be possible to run NetGen unless you set following system variable:

export NETGENDIR=/opt/netgen/bin/

Then it is finally possible to run NetGen using:
